Welcome to VARG !

Beyond its environmental dimensions, climate change is increasingly recognized as a development issue. Developing countries are considered particularly vulnerable to climatic changes due to their dependency on natural resources and climate sensitive sectors, such as agriculture and fisheries, and limited capacities to anticipate and respond to climatic changes. The magnitude and rate of climate change will strongly depend on efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, global efforts to mitigate climate change will not suffice alone and therefore need to be complemented by adaptation measures, which address the vulnerability in developing countries to current and future climatic changes and associated impacts. At https://cheap-papers.com/buy-term-papers-online.php you can buy term papers online that will explore such themes in a suitable manner.

In recognition of this issues, the Vulnerability and Adaptation Resource Group (VARG) was formed as an informal network of bi- and multilateral institutions. The mission of VARG is to facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation in the development process through the sharing, assessment, synthesis, and dissemination of existing knowledge and experience. The target audience are developing countries, the UNFCCC process, civil society, and development agencies.

A core group of bi-lateral and multi-lateral agencies are supporting VARG as an open knowledge network on vulnerability, adaptation and development. All bilateral and multi-lateral agencies with an interest in climate change adaptation are welcome to join and contribute to this group. The following agencies have been participating in this knowledge exchange: BMZ, CIDA, DFID, DGIS, EC, GEF, GTZ, KfW, OECD, Red Cross/Red Crescent (Climate Center), SIDA, UNDP, UNEP, UN/ISDR, USAID, USEPA, the World Bank, WMO and WHO.

VARG meets periodically, but at least, semi-annually, to discuss knowledge and experience in agreed areas of climate change adaptation. The core group encourages broad and open participation in the semi-annual VARG meetings, and invites and facilitates the participation of experts and developing country stakeholders, where appropriate to the subject of discussion at the meeting.

The core group develops the work plan for VARG activities, and agrees on the agenda and chair for future VARG meetings.

A Secretariat based at the World Bank provides support in coordinating VARG meetings, workplan and activities. It also synthesizes documents and meeting outcomes based on the respective work plan for VARG activities. Documents relevant to VARG activities can be accessed at this website.

Disclaimer: The information and views provided on this website do not necessarily represent the official opions of the organizations affiliated with VARG. VARG is to be understood as an informal network facilitating information exchange on activities concerned with the nexus between climate change and development, and not as an official entity.